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© 2018 Qode Interactive, All Rights Reserved


Make sure to DOWNLOAD AND USE THIS TEMPLATE so you can make your own design.




How do I create and submit a design?

To begin creating your design, download the provided avatar templates, and import them into whatever design program you use (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.). Using your design program, follow the template guidelines to create anything you like (making sure that it adheres to the rules of the contest) and when you are finished, simply export the completed design. 

To submit your design, email the image files to with the subject: TOTALLY BASEBALL CUSTOMIZER CONTEST.

We will confirm whether we have received your submission by sending a follow-up email.

Make sure you get your submissions in BY December 10th, 2022!

What kind of customizer item can I design?

The custom item categories available for design submissions are as follows:

  • Glasses
  • Mouth Accessories
  • Hats
  • Masks

Check the guidelines template to confirm that the item you've chosen to design is the right size and in the right placement to be considered for the contest.

What are the rules of the Custom Item contest?

The rules for the contest are as follows:

  • You can send multiple submissions, but each submission should include only one item for one category.
  • Keep all submissions appropriate for all ages.
  • All designs must be submitted by (insert date here).
  • Do not plagiarize another player's design. Be original.
  • Do not use any copyrighted material or photos. All submissions must be hand-drawn/created.
  • Keep all designs within the provided guidelines shown in the example template.
  • Have fun!

Any submissions that do not abide by the above rules will not be considered. Our team will have final say in which submissions will move on to the voting round.

Can I send in multiple submissions?

Yes! You can send as many submissions as you want, but each submission must contain only ONE item for ONE category within the Totally Baseball avatar customizer.

Where do I send my design submissions?

Please send all design submissions to: using the subject: TOTALLY BASEBALL CUSTOMIZER CONTEST.

How will the contest winner be decided?

Once the submissions deadline has been reached, our team will make an executive decision about which designs will move on to the voting round.

We will post all approved designs to social media (TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter) and allow the community to vote for their favorite items. Once the voting deadline is up, the votes will be counted and whichever design has received the most votes will be the winner of the contest!

How do I vote for my favorite custom item design?

When all of the approved submissions are posted on social media for the voting round, each unique submission will be given a unique (letter or number). To vote, simply comment the (letter or number) that corresponds with your favorite design! Please leave only ONE comment with your vote. All comments with votes will be tallied to decide the winner.

Why wasn't my submission included in the polls?

If your submission didn't make it to the voting round, it is for one of the following reasons: 

  • Your submission contained content that was not all-ages appropriate.
  • Your submission contained copyrighted material or content that was not original/completely designed from scratch by you.
  • Your submission was too complex to be properly implemented into the game's customizer.
  • Your submission was the incorrect size, or did not fit correctly within the provided guidelines.
  • Your submission clearly plagiarized another player's original design.
  • Your submission was unclear or not submitted properly.
  • Your submission was entered after the submission deadline.

What happens if my submission wins the contest?

If you've won the contest, congratulations! Your custom item design will be permanently implemented into the Totally Baseball! avatar customizer for all players to use! On top of that, you will receive a custom-made baseball jersey with your name on it!

When will the winning design be put into Totally Baseball?

Once the winning design is chosen, our team will begin working to implement it into the game. You can expect to see your item in the customizer on Christmas!